T&E Administration PODCASTS

The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel’s (ACTEC) Fellows share their expertise with professionals regarding trust administration and ongoing estate management. Learn more about topics regarding best business practices, communication with trustees and beneficiaries , and the impact of life changes such as retirement or divorce.

The New Undue Influence

Law professors discuss the evolving landscape of undue influence in estate law, analyzing economic dynamics, legislative changes, and empirical findings.

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Removal of Trustees

How do you remove a trustee? A review of what to expect, the standard of proof, grounds and the role of equity court determinations.

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Traps Await for Beneficiary-Owned Trusts Under Section 678

“Traps Await for Beneficiary-Owned Trusts Under Section 678,” that’s the subject of today’s ACTEC Trust and Estate Talk. Transcript/Show Notes This is Travis Hayes, ACTEC Fellow from Naples, Florida. There are some great planning strategies using beneficiary-owned...

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