


ACTEC Foundation Donors

Thank you to all who have supported The ACTEC Foundation through the years.



2024 Donors

to March 31, 2024

The Household of Mr. and Ms. Charles F. Adler, Esq.
The Household of Mr. Farhad Aghdami, Esq. and Ms. Amanda North
The Household of Ms. Elizabeth A. Bawden, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Norman J. Benford, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Turney P. Berry, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Gary W. Bjelland, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Kenneth P. Brier, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. J. Lee Brown, Esq.
The Household of Ms. Lora L. Brown, Esq.
The Household of Prof. Elizabeth Carter
The Household of Mr. John M. Challis
The Household of Mr. Harwell E. Coale, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Barry S. Corbin, Esq.
The Household of Matthew D’Emilio
The Household of Professor and Ms. David M. English, Esq.
Evelyne V. Johnson – Thomas Gardner Paynter Foundation
The Household of Larry A. Flournoy, Jr.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Todd A. Flubacher, Esq.
Franklin Karibjanian & Law PLLC
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Theron E. Fry, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Gregory L. Fullerton, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. John F. Furniss, II Esq.
The Household of Mr. Keith Bradoc Gallant, Esq. and Ms. Joanna Waley-Cohen
The Household of Professor Susan N. Gary, Esq. and Mr. Alexander B. Murphy
The Household of Mr. and Ms. David L. Hanson, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Paul C. Heintz, Esq.
The Household of Mr. Dan W. Holbrook, Esq. and Ms. Mary Wells
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Case Hoogendoorn, Esq.
The Household of Ms. Nancy E. Howard, Esq. and Mr. A. Timothy Scott
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Shaheen I. Imami, Esq.
Jack Beaty Educational Scholarship Foundation
The Household of Ms. Benetta Y. Park, Esq.

The Household of Christopher D. Jones
The Household of Ms. and Mr. Beth Shapiro Kaufman, Esq.
The Household of Mr. William R. Lane, Jr. Esq. and Ms. Sylvia Hanson
The Household of Mr. Mark A. Langan, Esq.
The Household of Jill Lebowitz
The Household of Ms. Lisa M. Line, Esq. and Mr. Robert Madsen
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Albert L. Lingelbach, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. R. Hugh. Magill, Esq.
The Household of Mr. Stewart Andrew Marshall, II Esq.
The Household of Ms. and Mr. Judith W. McCue, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. William J. McGraw, II Esq.
The Household of Deborah McKinnon
The Household of Ms. Julia McVey, Esq.
The Household of Mr. John F. Meck, Esq. and Ms. Karen Lally
The Household of Ms. Julia B. Meister, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Louis A. Mezzullo, Esq.
The Household of Ms. M. Elizabeth Monihan, Esq. and Mr. Brian F. Toohey
The Household of Ms. Kendis Key Muscheid, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Edward C. Northwood, Esq.
The Household of Ms. Holly B. Norvell, Esq.
The Household of Ms. Natalie M. Perry, Esq.
The Household of Ms. and Mr. Tracy M. Potts, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. John C. Ransmeier, Esq.
The Household of Ms. Wendy S. Rusch, Esq.
The Household of Ms. and Mr. Kathleen R. Sherby, Esq.
The Household of Christopher P Siegle
The Household of Mr. and Ms. David L. Sigler, Esq.
The Household of Ms. Greta E. Solomon, Esq.
The Household of Mr. and Ms. James D. Spratt, Jr. Esq.
Steinbacher, Goodall and Yurchak
The Household of Mr. and Ms. Jeffrey C. Thede, Esq.
The Household of Ms. and Mr. Beverly J. Wik, Esq.


2023 Donors

Susan L. Abbott
Frank T. Adams
Farhad Aghdami
Andrew Allen Charitable Foundation
Theodore B. Atlass
David A. Baker
Shannon K. Barks
Susan T. Bart
Elizabeth A. Bawden
John R. Becker
Brad Bedingfield
Roger L. Beebe
Bruce O. Bekkedahl
Turney P. Berry
Gerry W. Beyer
Watson B. Blair
Jonathan G. Blattmachr
Bruce H. Bokor
Robert D. Borteck
Bove & Langa P.C.
Bowlman T. Bowles, Jr.
Donna Braman
Gerard G. Brew
Kenneth P. Brier
James R. Bright
Bill Brown
J. Lee Brown
Kristin Brown
Robert M. Brucken
Elaine M. Bucher
Ann B. Burns
Richard R. Burns
Randal B. Caldwell
Gene M. Carlino
Rita Bragg Caughman
John M. Challis
T. Jack Challis
Darcy J. Chamberlin
BethAnn Boudah Chapman
Charles Ian Nash
Mark M. Christopher
Charles A. Collier
Tami Conetta
Bronwen L. Cound
Anne W. Coventry
Richard B. Covey
Tracy Craig
M. Patricia Culler
Sara G. Curley
Mark W. Curnutte
Lora G. Davis
Mickey R. Davis
John Dedon
J. Michael Deege
Lauren Y. Detzel
Donald DiCarlo
David J. Dietrich
Nikola R. Djuric
P. Daniel Donohue
W. Birch Douglass, II
S. Gray Edmondson
David F. Edwards
Richard L. English
Tommy C. Estes
Constance Eyster
Dana G. Fitzsimons, Jr.
Gary Fletcher
FOCUS Family Office Counsel
Debra L. Foster
Charles D. Fox, IV
Terrence M. Franklin
Barbara Freedman Wand
Gary B. Freidman
Patricia Friedman
Theron E. Fry
Gregory V. Gadarian
Thomas P. Gallanis
Lauren Garner
Magdalen Gaynor
Karen S. Gerstner
Rebecca W. Geyer
Robert W. Goff, Jr.
Robert W. Goldman
David B. Gollin
Michael M. Gordon
Peter S. Gordon
Steven B. Gorin
Joseph G. Gorman, Jr.
William H. Gosline
William R. Graf
Angelo Grasso
Lynne K. Green
Edward W. Griggs
T. Randall Grove
Amanda M. Gyeszly

Martin Hall
Robert L. Hallenberg
Mark K. Harder
James C. Hardin, II
John M. Harpootian
Carol A. Harrington
Susan R. Harris
T. Randolph Harris
Robert W. Hastings, II
Martin A. Heckscher
Kelly S. Henry
David R. Hermenze
Amy Morris Hess
Linda B. Hirschson
Hoffman Sabban Watenmaker
Dan W. Holbrook
Case Hoogendoorn
Susan T. House
John W. Howald
Richard H. Howard-Smith
Christopher R. Hoyt
Cristina Hug
Christopher B. Hunt
Joshua E. Husbands
Elizabeth Holland Hutchins
Henry H. Hutchinson
Janet Wilson Moore
Benetta Y. Park
Linda F. Johnson
Sarah Moore Johnson
W. Steven Johnson
John M. Jolley
Kim Kamin
George D. Karibjanian
Lawrence P. Katzenstein
Beth Shapiro Kaufman
Emily Kembell
Robert K. Kirkland
Richard O. Kissel, II
Sharon L. Klein
Carol Cioe Klyman
Edward F. Koren
Roy A. Krall
Cynthia G. Lamar-Hart
James D. Lamm
James J. Lanham
William P. LaPiana
Jill Lebowitz
T. James Lee
Terry James (“Jim”) Lee
Kristen M. Lewis
William J. Lindsay, Jr.
Margaret G. Lodise
Bridget A. Logstrom Koci
Stephanie Loomis-Price
Robert D. LoPrete
Carla Lovell
Richard C. Lowe
William H. Lunger
Maria M. Lynch
Richard A. Marone
Steven F. Mattoon
Ruth Mattson
Kevin Matz
Virginia A. McArthur
Carlyn S. McCaffrey
Howard M. McCue, III
Judith W. McCue
Stephanie McGehee-Shacklette
Deborah O. McKinnon
Nancy McLaughlin
Julia B. Meister
Hannah W. Mensch
Louis A. Mezzullo
Steven K. Mignogna
Amy Michaud
Kevin D. Millard
Justin T. Miller
James C. Milton
Anne W. Mitchell
Anna Katherine Moody
Karen M. Moore
Lee Moore
Samantha Moore
Ralph R. Morrison
Peter T. Mott
William G. Murray
Barry A. Nelson
Randy S. Nelson
Jeanne L. Newlon
Hung Nguyen
Colleen O’Connell
Raymond C. Odom
Duncan E. Osborne
Cynda C. Ottaway
Joann T. Palumbo
Benetta Y. Park

L. Howard Payne
Thomas D. Peebles, Jr.
Jeffery T. Peetz
Natalie Perry
Stephanie Perry
Marshall H. Peterson
Jennifer R. Pierce
Charles W. Pieterse
Jeffrey J. Pirruccello
Tara Anne Pleat
Laura Walker Plunkett
Susan Porter
Mark E. Powell
Donald P. Prehoda, Jr.
Queens University
Mary F. Radford
Adam W. Randle
John Readey
Charles A. Redd
Cheyenne Reese
Linda J. Retz
Reynolds T Cafferata
Lisa M. Rico
Larry H. Rocamora
John T. Rogers, Jr.
Rosepink Law, PLLC
Bruce S. Ross
Alan F. Rothschild, Jr.
Andrew D. Rothstein
Daniel Rubin
Daniel S. Rubin
Wendy S. Rusch
Hollis F. Russell
Margaret E.W. Sager
Lynn B. Sassin
Judith Saxe
Cameron R. Seybolt
Kathleen R. Sherby
Susan B. Shields
Suzanne L. Shier
Sussan H. Shore
Roger L. Shumaker
Tanya Shunnara
Anita J. Siegel
Christopher P Siegle
Stacy E. Singer
Barbara A. Sloan
Terry Slye
George L. Smith
Susan Kimsey Smith
Rebecca Smitherman
Susan D. Snyder
David C. Sojourner, Jr.
Kurt A. Sommer
Jennifer M. Spitz
James D. Spratt, Jr.
Douglas Stanley
Alfred J. Stashis
Jeanine Steffy
Steinbacher, Goodall Yurchak
Karen Sandler Steinert
Laurel Stephenson
C. Jean Stewart
Kimberly H. Stogner
Benton C. Strauss
Rees M. Sumerford
Akane R. Suzuki
Bridget O’Brien Swartz
Phyllis Taite
Tara Pleat
Robert E. Temmerman, Jr.
John A. Terrill, II
The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County/Donald W. Jurgemeyer Fund
The Pi Foundation Inc.
Jeffrey C. Thede
Howard S. Tuthill, II
Margaret Van Houten
Mary E. Vandenack
R. Eric Viehman
Suzanne Brown Walsh
Christopher J. Ward
Elizabeth E.W. Weinewuth
Robert A. Wells
Melissa J. Willms
Dan Wintz
Leonard J. Witman
Gene Wolf
Jerome L. Wolf
Lauren Wolven
Tom D. Womack
James F. Wood
Richard D. Woods
Glen A. Yale
William V.A. Zorn
Eugene P. Zuspann, II


2022 Donors

Susan L. Abbott
Maureen C. Ackerly
Frank T. Adams
Farhad Aghdami
David J. Akins
John F. Allevato
Andrew Allen Charitable Foundation
Elizabeth K. Arias
Robert E. Armstrong
Theodore B. Atlass
Carl T. Baker
David A. Baker
Merry Balson
Shannon K. Barks
John J. Barnosky
Susan T. Bart
Robert Barton
Donna G. Barwick
Leigh-Alexandra Basha
Elizabeth A. Bawden
Judith M. Becker
Roger L. Beebe
Bruce O. Bekkedahl
Amy B. Beller
Norman J. Benford
Timothy O. Beppler
James B. Bertles
Gerry W. Beyer
Nell King Bieger
Gary W. Bjelland
Watson B. Blair
Tracy Blake DeVlieger
Bruce H. Bokor
Robert D. Borteck
Bowlman T. Bowles, Jr.
Stephen M. Brainerd
Donna Braman
Peter B. Brautigam
Gerard G. Brew
James R. Bright
H. Chalk Broughton, Jr.
J. Lee Brown
Kelli Elizabeth Brown
Lora L. Brown
Robert M. Brucken
Elaine M. Bucher
Peter W. Bullard
Ann B. Burns
Lisa Weinstein Burns
Richard R. Burns
Christine A. Buttress
Reynolds T. Cafferata
Randal B. Caldwell
Jean Gordon Carter
Stephanie B. Casteel
Alan L. Cates
Rita Bragg Caughman
Chang H. Chae
John M. Challis
T. Jack Challis
Darcy J. Chamberlin
Charles Ian Nash
Natalie B. Choate
Chris Hunt
Mark M. Christopher
Jared R. Cloud
Harwell E. Coale
Charles A. Collier
Michael A. Colombo
Tami Conetta
Mark A. Conway
J. Michael Cooney
Anne W. Coventry
James P. Cox, II
M. Patricia Culler
Sara G. Curley
Mark W. Curnutte
Matthew D’Emilio
Robert T. Danforth
Janice L. Davies
Lora G. Davis
Mickey R. Davis
Jeffrey C. De Francisco
John Dedon
J. Michael Deege
Lauren Y. Detzel
Donald DiCarlo
Nikola R. Djuric
Stuart B. Dorsett
W. Birch Douglass, II
Erik Dryburgh
S. Gray Edmondson
David F. Edwards
Guy Storms Emerich
Kent E. Endacott
David M. English
David J. Estes
Constance Tromble Eyster
Josie Faix
Dana G. Fitzsimons, Jr.
Debra L. Foster
Stanberry Foster, Jr.
Charles D. Fox, IV
Terrence M. Franklin
Gary B. Freidman
Patricia Friedman
Theron E. Fry
Marcia K. Fujimoto
John F. Furniss, II
Thomas P. Gallanis
Keith Bradoc Gallant
Susan N. Gary
Adam R. Gaslowitz
Gaslowitz Frankel LLC
Magdalen Gaynor
Georgia Fellows
Karen S. Gerstner
Wendy C. Gerzog
Gilbert, Harris, Sumerford & Martin
Michael H. Godwin
Michael M. Gordon
Peter S. Gordon
Steven B. Gorin
Joseph G. Gorman, Jr.
Lynne K. Green
Virginia H. Grigg
Edward W. Griggs
Julie Zydron Griggs
Carol Sikov Gross
Bradley C. Grossenburg

T. Randall Grove
Max Gutierrez
Richard L. Halbert
Martin Hall
Robert L. Hallenberg
Charles M. Hamann
David L. Hanson
Mark E. Haranzo
James C. Hardin, II
Robert Matthew Harper
John M. Harpootian
Ellen M. Harrington
Susan R. Harris
T. Randolph Harris
Robert W. Hastings, II
Jack W. Hawkins
Paul C. Heintz
Walter Helms
Miriam W. Henry
David R. Hermenze
Amy Morris Hess
Carl W. Hibbert
Deborah L. Hildebran-Bachofen
John C. Hine
Joseph G. Hodges, Jr.
Hoffman Sabban Watenmaker
Dan W. Holbrook
Graham D. Holding, Jr.
Case Hoogendoorn
Andrew H. Hook
Craig Hopper
William Neal Horowitz
Susan T. House
John W. Howald
Nancy E. Howard
Richard H. Howard-Smith
Christopher R. Hoyt
Cristina Hug
Christopher B. Hunt
Joshua E. Husbands
Elizabeth Holland Hutchins
John Nathan Hutson
J. Tod Hyche
Janet Wilson Moore
Lauren Jenkins
Benetta Y. Park
Gray Johnsey
Linda F. Johnson
Sarah Moore Johnson
W. Steven Johnson
John M. Jolley
Jill L.P. Kaess
Kim Kamin
George D. Karibjanian
Lawrence P. Katzenstein
Beth Shapiro Kaufman
Emily Kembell
Barry B. Kempson
Catherine Hood Kennedy
Stanley C. Kent
Curtis Kimball
Richard S. Kinyon
William D. Kirchick
Weston C Kirk
Robert K. Kirkland
Carol Cioe Klyman
Jennifer L.J. Koenig
Paula A. Kohut
Cynthia G. Lamar-Hart
James D. Lamm
William R. Lane, Jr.
Melissa Langa
Mark A. Langan
Jim Lanham
Jonathan Lee
Lucinda Lee
Terry James (“Jim”) Lee
Ann B. Lesk
Kristen M. Lewis
Lile Family Foundation
Lisa M. Line
Albert L. Lingelbach
Margaret G. Lodise
Stephanie Loomis-Price
Robert D. LoPrete
Christin P Lovegrove
Carla Lovell
Richard C. Lowe
Maria M. Lynch
R. Hugh. Magill
Franklin Malemud
R. David Marchetti
Harry S. Margolis
Richard A. Marone
Stewart Andrew Marshall, II
Thomas N. Masland
Steven F. Mattoon
Ruth Mattson
Peter Matwiczyk
Katarinna McBride
Neill G. McBryde
C. Kevin McCrindle
Howard M. McCue, III
Judith W. McCue
William J. McGraw, II
Deborah O. McKinnon
Michele A.W. McKinnon
Lisa D. McLaughlin
Julia McVey
John F. Meck
W. Deryl Medlin
Julia B. Meister
Hannah Mensch
Louis A. Mezzullo
Amy Michaud
John T. Midgett
Steven K. Mignogna
Kevin D. Millard
Carolyn W. Miller
Jill L. Miller
Justin T. Miller
Andrew Mitchell
M. Elizabeth Monihan
Janet Wilson Moore
Karen M. Moore
Walter R. Morris, Jr.
Peter T. Mott
G. Barton Mowry
Robert S. Mucklestone
William G. Murray
Jeffrey N. Myers
James Wiley Narron

Barry A. Nelson
Michel W Nelson
Michael A. Neufeld
Jeanne L. Newlon
Hung Nguyen
Timothy A. Nordgren
North Carolina Fellows
Edward C. Northwood
Holly B. Norvell
Colleen D. O’Connell
Martin O’Toole
Tanya N. Oesterreich
Rudy L. Ogburn
William E. Olson
Duncan E. Osborne
J. Lee E. Osborne
Cynda C. Ottaway
L. Howard Payne
Jeffery T. Peetz
Sandra Lynn Perkins
Natalie M. Perry
Stephanie Perry
Marshall H. Peterson
Jennifer R. Pierce
Christine Piersall
Jeffrey J. Pirruccello
Tara Anne Pleat
Laura Walker Plunkett
Tracy M. Potts
David Pratt
Donald P. Prehoda, Jr.
Benjamin H. Pruett
Mary F. Radford
Adam W. Randle
John C. Ransmeier
Charles A. Redd
Nancy B. Reimann
Hanson S. Reynolds
Lisa M. Rico
Louisa Ritsick
Larry H. Rocamora
John T. Rogers, Jr.
Marjorie A. Rogers
Paul I. Rosenberg
Alan F. Rothschild, Jr.
Andrew D. Rothstein
Daniel S. Rubin
Wendy S. Rusch
Deborah L. Russell
Margaret E.W. Sager
Anita M. Sarafa
Lynn B. Sassin
Pam H. Schneider
Schooley Law Firm
Kathleen R. Sherby
Paul Martin Shimoff
Jennifer Shirkey
Roger L. Shumaker
Anita J. Siegel
Barbara A. Sloan
David Scott Sloan
George L. Smith
Susan Kimsey Smith
Rebecca Smitherman
David C. Sojourner, Jr.
Greta E. Solomon
Kurt A. Sommer
South Carolina Fellows
Southeastern Region – ACTEC
James D. Spratt, Jr.
Lois Ann Stanton
Alfred J. Stashis
Lee M. Stautberg
Laurel Stephenson
Peter S. Stern
C. Jean Stewart
Bruce C. Stockburger
Kimberly H. Stogner
Benton C. Strauss
Nina B. Stryker
Rees M. Sumerford
Akane R. Suzuki
Frederick J. Tansill
Luke Thomas Tashjian
John A. Terrill, II Mary Jane Barrett
The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County/Donald W. Jurgemeyer Fund
The Morehead Group
The Pi Foundation Inc.
Jeffrey C. Thede
E. Diane Thompson
Patricia M. Thompson
Patrick D. Timmer
Angela Titus McEwan
Bruce Tomason
Clay B. Tousey, Jr.
J. David Tracy
Howard S. Tuthill, II
Margaret Van Houten
Rebecca Ellen Vandall
Mary E. Vandenack
R. Eric Viehman
Virginia Fellows
Jayna M. Voss
Timothy J. Wachter
James R. Walker
Melissa P. Walker
Harvey B. Wallace, II
Suzanne Brown Walsh
Christopher J. Ward
Melvin A. Warshaw
Elizabeth E.W. Weinewuth
Amiel Z. Weinstock
Robert A. Wells
Michael D. Whitty
Beverly J. Wik
Dirk A. Williams
Melissa J. Willms
Daniel J. Wintz
Leonard J. Witman
Alexander Wolf
Lauren Wolven
Tom D. Womack
Richard D. Woods
Glen A. Yale
Randall M.L. Yee
Dan C. Young
Young Moore Henderson P.A.
Howard M. Zaritsky
Diana S.C. Zeydel
Eugene P. Zuspann, II

Donate to the ACTEC Foundation