Estate planning attorneys explain the purposes of a living trust, how to fund a trust and retitle assets, and tax implications.
Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Creating an Estate Plan
Discover the pros and cons of using AI in estate planning with Professor Gerry Beyer and attorney, Natalie Perry. Learn why expert legal advice is crucial.
The Dissatisfied Heir
by ACTEC Fellows Elizabeth K. Arias and Jean Gordon Carter In the realm of inheritance disputes, ACTEC Fellows answer a critical question: Can one sue if excluded from a family member's will? Understand who is generally guaranteed the right to inherit. The paramount...
Charitable Giving Tips & Tricks
A primer on donations, including tax considerations, donating stocks vs. cash, “bunching” donations, donor-advised funds (DAF), and more.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Planning Your Estate
Estate planning attorneys explain what consumers should be aware of when using AI and what their lawyer’s professional responsibilities should include.
Estate Planning for Freelancers and the Gig Economy
Explore estate planning for freelancers and gig workers. Learn about tax planning, creating a will, asset management, planning for incapacity, and more.
Tangible Personal Property in Estate Planning
Experts explain why you’ll want to add provisions regarding tangible personal property, such as furniture, vehicles, electronics, and jewelry, to your will or trust.
Funding Your Revocable Trust and Other Critical Steps
Learn why funding your trust is vital for seamless asset transfer, minimizing legal issues and taxes, and safeguarding your beneficiaries’ future in this video.
Should I Serve as a Healthcare Agent Under a Power of Attorney (POA)?
Understand what you need to know about accepting the legal responsibility of a healthcare agent, aka a healthcare surrogate or healthcare proxy.
Should I Serve as an Agent Under a Financial Power of Attorney (POA)?
Understand what’s involved in the role of a property or financial Power of Attorney (POA), what’s entailed, and what questions you should ask yourself.
Should I Serve as a Trustee?
Attorneys explain the responsibilities and risks of being a trustee of a trust, a role that involves significant legal and ethical obligations.
Should I Serve as an Executor?
Estate attorneys explain what individuals need to understand before agreeing to serve as an estate executor, such as probate, tax, and legal requirements.
Managing Guns in Your Estate
Estate planning experts explain the complexity of transferring firearms and guns in your will and offer tips regarding what to consider when bequeathing weapons.
Common IRA Beneficiary Scenarios
There are no do-overs with IRA beneficiaries! Understand the typical IRA beneficiary scenarios and why it’s critical to review every time you set up an IRA.
Understanding Cryptocurrency in Estate Planning
Understand how to manage cryptocurrency in your estate and plan for the succession of your digital assets from estate planning experts.
Key Roles Involved in an Estate Plan
An explanation of the roles and responsibleness involved in a will, trust, or estate plan such as fiduciary, agent, executor, trustee, and guardian.
Can I Do a Will for Myself?
Understand the pros and cons of writing a will for yourself and what should be considered when planning for the disposition of your assets.
How to Talk with Your Family About Estate Planning
Recommendations for how and when to talk with your family about your estate plan, will and other documents by expert trust and estate attorneys.
How to Talk With Your Parents About Estate Planning
Trust and estate lawyers offer recommendations for how to have critical conversations with your parents about end-of-life planning and estate documents.
Estate Tax Returns
Estate Planning experts give a step-by-step overview of the estate tax preparation and filing process. What clients should know about the return, extension, exemption, and IRS response.
What is Estate Administration?
What happens if someone dies without a will? Estate planning experts answer pressing questions for families and beneficiaries.
Postmortem Planning
An overview of what estate planning decisions can be made postmortem and pre-mortem, including taxes, decanting, and portability considerations.
Direct Payment of Medical Expenses and Tuition as an Exception to the Gift Tax
Learn the dos and don’ts of paying another person’s tuition or medical bills, what qualifies as tuition and medical expenses, and how to avoid gift tax.
Pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning
A discussion of what consumers need to know about using do-it-yourself estate planning documents and DIY wills.
What to Expect After Hiring an Attorney
Tips on what to keep in mind when working with an attorney, including the difference between individual, joint and family representation.
How to Choose an Estate Planning Attorney
Finding and choosing an estate planning attorney can be intimidating. Learn where you can go online to find qualified estate planning attorneys.
Supported Decision-Making
Experts on supported decision-making explain how this alternative to guardianship works and answer many questions families may have.
Inheritance and Estate Settlement: When Will I Get My Money
Experts in estate planning answer common questions regarding when beneficiaries of a will or trust will receive their inheritance.
Motivating Heirs with an Incentive Trust
Learn the benefits and pitfalls of incentive trusts when motiving heirs or beneficiaries and rewarding behavior.
Gift Tax, the Annual Exclusion and Estate Planning
Understand when gift tax comes into play, how the age of the recipient impacts gift tax, efficient ways to transfer property, the annual exclusion and more from experts.
Estate Planning in the 2020 Election Year
Learn what steps taxpayers may want to consider and how to plan for future legislation, changes in the estate gift tax exemption and charitable giving.
Estate Planning Strategies for Retiring Abroad
Retiring abroad? Learn what estate planning information to keep in mind when moving overseas, such as guardianship considerations.
Estate Planning Considerations for Small Business Owners
Small business owners need to plan for the transition of their company in their estate plan. Learn about the impact of state laws and how to plan for estate taxes.
Can I Change My Irrevocable Trust?
Learn what changing an irrevocable trust entails, what it means to decant a trust, what courts can do and other pitfalls from trust and estate experts.
Special Needs Trusts
Estate planning experts explain the different types of special needs trusts, what to consider to avoid losing public benefits like Medicaid, and other potential pitfalls.
Transferring Assets to a Minor Child
How to transfer assets to minor children, the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA), 529 plans, naming a caregiver for a minor child in a Will and more.
Coordinating Beneficiary Designations with the Overall Estate Plan
Assets such as life insurance, annuities, pension plans, 401ks and IRAs have beneficiary designation forms as part of the set-up process.
Digital Asset Management in Life and Death
Understand how to plan and manage your digital assets such as photos, email accounts and passwords during life and in your estate documents.
5 Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan
ACTEC Fellows discuss 5 reasons why you may want to update your Will and Estate Plan, such as after a move or divorce, when your children have grown or have substance abuse problems, or if you own a business.
What to Consider When Setting Up Trusts for Children
What’s the best way to leave assets to minor children? Should children receive equal assets? What’s a Pot Trust? These and other questions are answered by estate planning advisors.
Choosing an Executor or Trustee
Selecting an executor or trustee to oversee your will or trust requires careful consideration. Learn about this topic from professionals in trusts and estates.
Divorce and Estate Planning
Understand what estate planning documents are impacted by a divorce from lawyers with expertise in estate planning in this short video.
What is a Will and Why Do I Need One?
Estate planning can be overwhelming. Experts answer questions families often ask about Wills, associated documents, beneficiaries and e-wills.
What is a Revocable Trust and Do I Need One?
Professor Mary Radford explains in everyday terms what you need to know about a Revocable Trust and if you need one through this informative video.