A Successful Run for the Spring Derby
Congratulations to all seven jockeys in the 2020 inaugural ACTEC Foundation Spring Derby! The Executive Committee of the Foundation, together with the Immediate Past President, raised more than $22,000. All seven jockeys crossed the finish line, each raising a minimum of $2,200, with winner Melissa Willms on OverWillms’d making her way around the track twice!
The Spring Derby jockeys would like to thank all of you who made their Run for the Cup so successful. Your donations promote scholarship and education in trust, estate, tax and related areas of the law by supporting scholarship to improve the law and by encouraging teaching, careers and life-long learning. Through the Foundation’s support, more than 100 Trust and Estate Talk podcasts have been produced with more than 100,000 downloads; the Mary Moers Wenig Student Writing Competition rewards and encourages law students to produce scholarly works in the area of trusts and estates – the current Competition closes June 30, 2020; and the 6th Edition of The ACTEC Commentaries on the Model Rules of Professional Conduct is currently being prepared.
Your donations to The ACTEC Foundation support all of this work and more. Thank you for helping to make the Foundation’s first Spring Derby a great success!
Latest ACTEC Trust and Estate Talk Podcasts
Internal Affairs Doctrine, Asset Protection, and State of Formation for Legal Entities Pt. 1 of 2
The internal affairs of an entity typically are controlled by the laws of the state of formation, but is this true for charging orders? Experts discuss in detail.
Asset Protection for Art: Issues Arising in the Lifecycle of Acquisition to Disposition
Art and asset protection are critical components of managing high-value collections. Understand safeguard against risks like theft, damage and legal issues.
Legal and Tax Considerations When Representing Influencers and Content Creators
Two attorneys share lessons learned for professionals who are representing social media influencers and content creators, including prenups and valuation.